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#3 銀銀貼貼 Silversilver Stickersticker

NT$ 175.00
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三款・共46個造型/50個刀模・模造紙面・0.09mm・ 單款20×10cm

Let the shapes, not the graphics, speak for themselves! They are free to use, and chic, from the stickers themselves to the unused parts of the page. Die-cut by steel blades for well-edged, the stickers are in proper thickness, easy to write on and can be used as decoration or for highlighting items.

stickersticker comes in sets of three, with 46 shapes per 50 die-cutting moulds on 0.09 mm of simili paper.

注意事項 ● 為保持其極反光之特性,此商品未增加防刮膜,使用過程易產生自然刮紋,製造過程中亦偶有機械跑痕及手工包裝刮痕之產生;訂購視同同意,恕無法因此原因退、換貨 ● 出貨約需1-3個工作日 ● 產品顏色及色澤或因數位螢幕品牌與設定不同而產生差異,請以實際商品為準 ● 透明收縮膜外有不規則之排氣孔洞、封口皺摺、膠面厚度不一為正常收縮程序產生之狀態,不影響內部產品,恕無法因此原因退、換貨 

退換貨規則 如發現新品瑕疵(異常污漬、裝訂不全、缺頁)、運送毀損、數量、品項有異等狀況,請於收到商品後7日內與原購買通路或我們聯繫(support@aaronnieh.com),我們將盡快處理、寄出新品。

Please note ● The actual product may differ slightly from the online images due to photographic lighting or your monitor settings ● The shrink-wrap on the notebook has irregular vent holes and creases, which is the result of the packaging process, and won’t affect the product inside. Refunds and exchanges won’t be accepted for this reason 

Return Policies If there are any imperfections (stains), discrepancies (missing pages) or any other errors in the delivery process, please contact the retailer or us within 7 days of (receiving) your purchase. We will look into the matter and ship a replacement immediately.

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