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白白 Whitewhite

NT$ 95.00
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Blankness Begets Imagination

源於〔永真急制〕設計團隊內部自用的筆記本;在實用與成本經濟的前提下滿足平日草稿討論、會議重點、企劃發想、隨手記事等需求。透過一連串紙性試驗、裝幀細節、尺寸設定等長時間琢磨,我們最終製作出一份頁數剛好、紙張鬆厚、磅數比例調和、舒軟、韌性適中的空白筆記本。 這一份筆記本分享於社群平台後,引發一連串敲碗暴動,經團隊反覆思索與討論,最終決定為它取一個可口的名字〔白白〕,並正式開放外帶。


選用日本製紙NPI(株)生產及輸入紙張,全本同紙系,俐落極簡 ● 極淺米灰色澤,眼睛全日減壓 ● 吸水性佳,不怕筆墨沾染 ● 紙性平滑,書寫滑順,適於日常各種筆尖 ● 紙磅透度得宜、量感適中 ● 成品總重65g,日常多本攜帶無負擔 ● 窄版尺寸,攜帶不佔位 ● 展開近方形,平整跨頁無限制,書寫方向大自由,適合不同使用情境 ● 全紙經濟裁切,一紙一本 ● 跨頁雙邊厚度均勻,從第ㄧ頁至最後一頁皆不卡手 ● 寫多寫少皆無負擔,可依用途同時彈性使用多本 ● 半手工精緻車製 ● 180° 全幅攤平不卡手 ● 特選同紙色灰線車縫裝訂,超隱藏



All this was initiated from ©aaronniehworkshop’s notebooks for internal use. Practical and economical, this notebook serves many purposes: drafting proposals, taking meeting minutes, brainstorming or simply note-taking. After experimenting with various types of paper, binding techniques and sizes, we bring this notebook the right number of pages and the right quality of paper, and it is, most importantly, completely blank. The notebook went viral the moment it was revealed on social media. After a heated discussion, we decided to christen it whitewhite. Now it’s time for you to purchase it and bring it home!

High-quality imported paper manufactured by Nippon Paper Industries (NPI) ● Very light beige and grey, easy on the eyes ● Absorbent,  ideal to write on and compatible with all types of pen nibs ● Best paper weight of 65g, easy to carry around ● Convenient width, doesn’t take up much space ● Almost square when unfolded, fitting all writing directions (and moods) ● A sheet, a notebook. Perfect!  ● Similar depth on each side, can write smoothly from the first page to the last   ● Infinite flexibility in use ● Semi-handmade ● Lies flat at 180° when fully opened  ● Thread stitched with the same colour as the paper, perfectly invisible. 

Specs  Blank・70% recycled paper made in Japan・81g/m2・21×11cm・60 pages・Thread-bound・Scratchproof matte-coated cover Features 

注意事項 ● 出貨約需1-5個工作日 ● 〔白白〕全本含再生紙漿,有些許雜質為正常現象,不影響書寫滑順度及閱讀 ● 產品顏色及色澤或因數位螢幕品牌與設定不同而產生差異,請以實際商品為準 ● 透明收縮膜外有不規則之排氣孔洞、封口皺摺、膠面厚度不一為正常收縮程序產生之狀態,不影響內部產品,恕無法因此原因退、換貨 ● 裝訂車線為半手工製作,商品之間可能產生些微不影響使用之差異 ● 如筆記本有回收需求,全內頁為紙類、封面為紙容器類,裝訂車線屬一般垃圾 ● 如欲使用鋼筆、水彩筆、螢光筆等出水量較多之筆種,請參考常見問題Q3、Q4,敬請評估後,再進行購買。 ● 瑕疵品為商品正/背面有輕微不影響使用之瑕疵,皆為完整原始包裝,未經拆解或二次包裝。

退換貨規 如發現新品瑕疵(異常污漬、裝訂不全、缺頁)、運送毀損、數量、品項有異等狀況,請於收到商品後7日內與原購買通路或我們聯繫(support@aaronnieh.com),我們將盡快處理、寄出新品。

Please note whitewhite is made from recycled paper and may contain residual impurities. However, this won’t affect your writing performance or ease of reading ● The actual product may differ slightly from the online images due to photographic lighting or your monitor settings ● The shrink-wrap on the notebook has irregular vent holes and creases, which is the result of the packaging process, and won’t affect the product inside. Refunds and exchanges won’t be accepted for this reason ● This thread-bound notebook is semi-handmade; therefore, the stitching may vary from product to product. This won’t affect its use ● Should you need to recycle this product, the blank page should go in ‘Waste Paper’, the cover should go in ‘Paperware’ and the thread should be placed in ‘Trash’. 

Return Policies If there are any imperfections (stains), discrepancies (missing pages) or any other errors in the delivery process, please contact the retailer or us within 7 days of (receiving) your purchase. We will look into the matter and ship a replacement immediately.


Q1. 是否開放聯名製作特別版或企業訂製呢?
謝謝你認同我們的理念,由於關乎於設計開版費用及數量,歡迎直接與我們聯繫 support@aaronnieh.com ,將會以專案處理、進行評估。

Q2. 是否開放實體通路進貨販售?
謝謝你的喜歡,我們覺得進入實體通路也是很棒的方式,歡迎與我們聯繫 support@aaronnieh.com ,我們將會盡快回覆,謝謝你。

Q3. 白白的紙張適合哪些筆呢?

Q4. 是否適合鋼珠筆、水性及油性簽字筆書寫?鋼筆呢?
由於紙張混合了再生紙漿,雖為平滑紙面適合書寫,但相比於新紙紙漿纖維較粗,若使用出水量較多/較粗的鋼珠筆、水性簽字筆,會略有暈染及透背的狀況。油性簽字筆則會有較嚴重的透背狀況,但不會透至下下頁。鋼筆的部分,若以大眾品牌 Lamy 的 F 筆尖為例,書寫順暢、筆畫線條中帶有極細微的暈染、積墨點處會有些許的透背。如有以上筆類使用於白白的需求,再請您多加參考。

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